Making the most of LinkedIn series

Most people have heard of LinkedIn, especially our clients who have lots of questions regarding the professional network.
Some of the more current readers have already discovered that employers are able to utilize your LinkedIn profile and bridge the applying gap using a “Apply with LinkedIn” button. Companies like Netflix (US) has a handy button on their website that allows applicants to utilize their LinkedIn profiles and apply directly.
So, what’s the big deal?
LinkedIn is going to be a powerhouse job application tool in the near future. Job boards like Monster and Workopolis are going to feel some pressures as companies are going to seek alternatives to costly postings. I would also venture to guess that recruiters are going to feel some pain as well.
Our advice
Having a comprehensive and up-to-date LinkedIn profile is important. Like a resume, it must highlight your skills, attributes and work experience in a way that will be receptive to your sender or in some cases people reviewing your profile.
We always recommend using LinkedIn as it alleviates the amount of work involved in searching for a job. I get calls all the time from people creeping my profile and wanting to learn more about employment and business opportunities. It’s a great way to see if you are marketable.
What kind of experience have you had with LinkedIn?