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How to handle “greatest weakness question” in the interview

We have recruited for many different roles and this question tends to pop-up and trip-up a lot of candidates. Read about our super easy and effective strategy on how to ace this question.

What do I wear to the interview?

One of the most common questions that come up during our interview preparation seminar is, “what do you wear to an interview?” Find out what we think.

When to give work or job references?

We received a lot of questions regarding job references and this article will provide some details about when to give job references to a perspective employer.

Reveal a pre-existing medical condition in a job interview?

We would say ‘no’. But what happens if you say otherwise. Find out what we think.

Rejected because of social media?

A company called Reppler (the company is new and the information should be viewed as entertainment purposes as I am a skeptic when it comes to studies, but none the less an interesting read) proposed that over half of their respondents who reviewed possible candidates, rejected them based on social media information, such as that […]

Job references, the last major hurdle to employment

Job references are absolutely necessary to have and to provide to gain employment. But how do you utilize a work reference if you were fired from or quit your job? Who or how many do you need? Let’s find out.