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Adding the LinkedIn Profile Link to your Resume (Revised for 2017)!

So we wrote an article quite some time ago, and felt that we needed to refresh the article, and provide some new information.


Looking back at our article written over four years ago, we found that a lot of people are still interested in how to add their LinkedIn profile to their resume. This post is one of our most-read articles and is still going strong! We liked the content, but felt we needed to update the details and bring it to 2017.

Here are the steps to include your LinkedIn URL (or web address to your resume)


First Steps 

Log into your LinkedIn profile, and click on Me, then ‘view profile’.


Next Steps

Look to the right of the page, and under Contact and Personal Info, click on ‘show more’. You can see this below the LinkedIn ad,  in blue font those two words and an arrow. Your page will look larger, as we took a partial screen capture.


Keep Going! Just a few more steps to go

Okay, now you can see your LinkedIn URL (website address) under Your Profile. Copy this and hold on until the next step. Select the text with your mouse, and right-click to ‘copy’.


Two last steps!

So now that you have your address copied into your computer/smart phone/tablet clipboard, you are ready to paste it, but wait! Not to your resume, and we will explain why. Since resumes have limited space, you probably do not want to include a large string of text, so we recommend going to Google URL Shortener. This tool will let you paste the LinkedIn address into the Google field, and Google will graciously shorten your URL to make it manageable. 

Last Step

Copy Google’s new URL and paste it to your resume and cover letter! Be sure to adjust the font and size to suit your resume and cover letter branding. That’s it! Just a word or two regarding the URL and Word. We found that due to the HTTPS link that LinkedIn uses for added security, one may not be able to click on their link within Word and expect it to go directly to your Internet browser. It seems to work better in PDF. In any case, one can just copy and paste your link to their browser, so that is a good work-around.


If you liked this article, and found it useful, please share it using the buttons below. We also want to hear from you and if you found a better way, or if the method above needs some massaging to make it awesome. Happy job hunting and let us know if you need some help!


  • Josh Denomey says:

    Thanks for stopping by and checking out our article! We hope you enjoyed it.
    Feel free to comment below if you have any questions. We do our best to check and reply to every comment left on our blog, so don’t be shy!

    Oh and if you like what we have to say, you should check out our other articles, and we are also on the major social media (FB, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter).

    You can also Contact Us directly, and you’ll get the best advice we can offer, based on years of experience in the industry and lots of feedback from successful clients.

    • ABHISHEK I P says:

      Hi sir, first of all i found this article useful. My question is, I would like to put my LinkedIn link as ” ” on my resume. So should i put it with an underline or without underline in hardcopy and online version of my resume?

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